Making Data from Satellites or Aerial Imagery
Due: 2/28
Complete either tutorial 6 or 7, and complete the corresponding assignment:
Tutorial 6: Making Data from Satellites
Create a map using Landsat Satellite imagery that shows land use change over time. Download two (or more!) images captured by the Landsat 8 satellite of the same location on different dates, import them into QGIS and symbolize with a false color composite that helps to highlight a change in the landscape that is visible in your chosen location.
Your final work must be a designed map composition (gifs are okay here too) Your designed map composition must include: title legend scale bar north arrow (your map doesn't need to have north pointing vertically...) citations for all data sources (please use Chicago style or an equivalent) projection used
Submission Materials:
- Your map/maps/gif
Tutorial 7: Making Data from Aerial Imagery:
Use the Google Static Maps API to download satellite/aerial images for 20 - 100 significant locations of your choosing.
Design a layout to present the images on one or more pages (or GIFs)
Submission Materials:
- The layout you designed (add this to Miro too)
- The csv file you used and
- A screenshot of the directory on your computer where you have saved your downloaded images
- Upload your work on Canvas (refer to specific instructions above)
- add your map to "Pin-Up Assignment 4" on the Miro board
Optional additional exercise
Do both!